CBD-Infused Lotions, Creams, and Topicals
Blue Llama's Sports, Arnica, and Original CBD Creams all use our Original CBD Cream Formula as their base. Our proprietary transdermal formula targets the specific area where it is applied, penetrating beneath the top layers of skin to provide a deeper level of relief than traditional topicals.
Our CBD Creams and Lotions are a unique blend of carefully selected botanical ingredients, vitamins, and Full Spectrum CBD Oil (250mg) that naturally soothe and relieve specific areas of the body. For even stronger relief, we offer the Extra Strength CBD Cream, which contains 450mg of CBD Isolate.
All of our CBD Creams and Lotions contain 100% natural ingredients and are effective at relieving a wide range of ailments, including arthritis, sore muscles, athletic injuries, sore back and neck, "tech neck," and everyday aches and pains. They also help to reduce inflammation and increase circulation for optimal healing.